We focus on quality

We accept your requests and suggestions to improve our work and the quality of our services in order to achieve the highest possible customer satisfaction.

We try to find new solutions

We are constantly improving the quality of our employees and expanding our qualifications for each sector of our business.

We are pushing the limits

We are always trying to move forward. We look for ways to do what seems unrealistic or substandard.

  • For the production of our modular buildings we use the most modern technologies that guarantee the superior quality of our products.
  • We are constantly supplementing and modernizing our technological equipment in order to increase the quality and efficiency of production.
  • With maximum flexibility and willingness to look for new technological solutions, we adapt to non-standard conditions.
  • Each modular building consists of several separate modules of steel construction, designed to withstand poor weather conditions;
  • The entire production consists of the manufacture of individual parts of the module, such as the frame, floor, ceiling, walls and other accessories according to the customer’s requirements.
  • Steel structures are welded under professional supervision.
  • All of our modular buildings comply with international standards in terms of construction and structural properties.
  • Continuous control of production processes and technologies ensures high quality.
  • The general flexibility allows great design possibilities not only as a final product, but also

Relationship to the environment and safety

Our company makes a conscious effort to develop the environmental field and assists in the programs of protection and creation of the environment of the region. At work we place great emphasis on health, safety and fire protection, customers, suppliers and other members of the public.

The company respects in all its activities the applicable technological procedures, ecological standards and regulations in the field of occupational safety.


All necessary certificates will be delivered to each completed modular building.